Eucalyptus Lemon
Eucalyptus Lemon
Product Description:
Eucalyptus Lemon Essential Oil contains the chemical PMD. As a result, lemon eucalyptus oil is great for repelling mosquitoes and other bugs. It can be used alone or be blended with other insect repellents like citronella, lemongrass, or cedar atlas. However, you shouldn't use it on children under 3.
It is great for diffusing in your diffuser or in a pot of boiling water and then inhaling when you are not feeling well. Its aroma has a very citronella smell, and may remind you of warm summer nights with friends in the outdoors.
Eucalyptus Lemon Oil presents as a Citrusy, Refreshing, Lemon Like, Herbaceous, Subtly Minty, Clean aroma.
Blends Well With: thyme, tea tree, spearmint, sage, rosemary, pine, peppermint, orange, marjoram, lavender, juniper berry, ginger, frankincense, cypress, clary sage, citronella, cedarwood, cajeput, black pepper, and basil.
Inhalation Directions: Add a few drops to a cotton ball, soft tissue, diffuser or small pot of boiling water. Inhale gently.
Topical Directions: Do not apply directly to skin: Blend 1-4 drops with your favorite lotion or carrier oil, such as avocado, coconut, evening primrose, jojoba or sesame.
Botanical Name: Eucalyptus Citriodora
Plant Part: Leaves
Origin: Brazil, India
Warnings: Not intended for internal use. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. Do not apply undiluted directly on skin, a skin test is recommended prior to use on skin. Keep away from flame.